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Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

The graft against nationalism

Nationalism is an ideology or doctrine that creates and maintains the sovereignty of a country to realize the concept of the common identity of a group of people whose language and culture of a connecting element in social interaction. Coupling gives rise to consciousness of nationalism communities / people of Indonesia, when it comes to disturbing external environment.

In the history of Indonesia, in particular, nationalism is still very critical of its existence, first, for example, as a unifying ideology to fight against the Dutch or Japanese, or the struggle against the hegemony of neoliberalism-kolonilalisme. First, if the people of this archipelago has continued to spread, there is no unifying ideology, and of course, the Dutch easily overwhelm us. It is likely that people throughout the archipelago will be fighting among themselves. Furthermore, when the Dutch policy would cause hostility and infuse the continuing conflict. Second, as a result, when people across the archipelago had managed to free at least nationalism as an ideological discourse to evoke the spirit of the independence of Indonesia. This type of nationalism, although sometimes misunderstood, why keep the trend of Indonesian nationalism hostile to other nations.

However, the increase, as the new nation is trying to stay as compact as the conflicts that could threaten the unity of Indonesia can be addressed on behalf of Indonesian nationalism. Thirdly, most of nationalism can not be used to provide the identity of the Indonesia-ness, so that Indonesia was in the world. However, what is recorded with the world of Indonesian nationalism. Probably not much. At that time, regardless of the construction of Orientalism, people are more familiar with Indonesia as a nation are very friendly countries, developing countries and the poor have a language of Indonesia unit, the afterlife is more than 600 local languages ​​still exist today.

Well, in our country, Indonesia has launched a series of understanding the concept of nationalism in the archipelago are displayed in a single unit: the ideology, political, economic, social, cultural, religious, national security and defense). Therefore, every citizen of Indonesia, in particular when he was appointed as a leader in the power structure in place must have the archipelago that the issue should have an absolute obligation to participate in the maintenance of territorial integrity Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, as indicated in draft IPOLEKSOSBUDAGHANKAMNAS.

Now this from the comments of the experts can not be denied, our sense of nationalism is very thin, even at the risk of extinction. Primordialism came Association, are designed to tribal ties, regional groups, religious and / or between.

History has shown over the past 30 years, Indonesia holding a model of authoritarian rule, commonly called the New Order regime. Consequently, many problems of resentment and discontent beneath the surface turbulence. The most important thing was the death of democracy, corruption menjamurkan, the absence of a just law, and so on. Thanks to the condition of the stretcher, the potential for cracks became a bomb. Many people try to mobilize religion or ethnicity, or even brought the world such as democracy and the discourse of universal justice to strengthen the resistance. With an anxious and distracted, the total resistance to the regime by force, overt or covert. We know that in that time the army was in power and fear. The military do with the spirit of Indonesian nationalism. However, the most effective strategy to counter the resistance of the government's use of New Order nationalism to control and potentially devastating menek also the state government. In this case, nationalism should be constructed so that concrete ways to maintain pluralism (national unity), so that the disappointments that occur in local-local can be broken.

Indonesian nationalism stressed ethnic nationalism, or nationalism, religion or nationalism did not develop effective geographical Ika Yangal) State of the concept of archipelago of Indonesia, which can accommodate the world's dependence.

But even in this case is a very difficult kind of nationalism, if you build the social system, legal system and the system of government was tainted by the corrupt culture that can not be avoided. In the political system or structure of the New Order power has allowed the proliferation of massive corruption in all areas.

Corruption is "rooted" caused serious injury to the lower layers of the cultural behavior of people who see corruption as part of the social system, politics, economics, law and government. Even at the beginning of the elimination of corruption Act Act No. 31, 1999 Jo. No. 20 of 2001 Act that the tax has not been confirmed that "due to the corruption that took place during the financial loss that the State or the country's economy, growth, and even menghabat sustainability of national development, which requires a high efficiency. " Corruption is not only financial ruin and the country's economy, but to destroy all sectors of the community, nation and a sovereign state.

Welcoming the oath of October 28, 2010, this young, we need new schools or schools of nationalism is the nationalism-II, where the new nationalism is totally oriented to:

1). schools of national unity, because there can be unity if people are not able to become a different person for someone else or can not resolve the dispute;

2). The foundation of the attitude of how corruption should be eradicated completely opposed to national development in all sectors, and

3). The basis for the conduct of every citizen of Indonesia on the need to maintain the integrity of the state and nation including Indonesia archipelago, understanding as a whole is part of: ideology, economic, political, social, cultural, defense religious, and national security.

Nationalism will never be owned by a corrupt, because the road is a parasite in the countries of people life miserable and destroy the country from bankruptcy. From the beginning we both know that the main causes of corruption are:

1) The description of "stimulus" is due to a lack of faith and piety which is owned by officers and others involved in the finances of the State concerned;

2) There is an element of "luck" because the weak element of "control" in the management of public finance management;

We can not decide if corruption is not stimulated and there is no possibility for him. The obsession with corruption is undoubtedly due to:

A. lifestyle that is happy to show;
2. Feeling much money people are grateful;
3. To fund energy research;
4. For the already high cost of social prestige;
5. For venture capital as an annuity;
6. Forced to cover basic emergency needs such as school fees, medical expenses the family is sick;

Indonesian society, covering the market economy and neo-liberalism can not prevent the spread of luxurious lifestyle that requires a high cost, while the purchasing power and income is low, then you can not avoid the encouragement of corruption, Iman and Taqwa, especially the majority of our society is very doubtful. Now would be eradicated from which O petinggi2 elites of the political elite and the government of this country ...?
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Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Objectives of the program against the grant of the State

One of the "effects of the situation in Indonesia in the (internal)" contained in the opening paragraph-IV, 1945 Constitution, which says:. Paragraph "promote the general welfare .. While connected with the provisions of Article 33 (2) and (3) of the Constitution of 1945 confirms the dominance of natural resources (SDA) in Indonesia by the state monopoly is clearly a form of State / Government of the natural resources that exist in Indonesia.

Therefore, on this basis the "subsidy" for the basic needs of the population is clearly a logical consequence of the monopoly of natural resources is the state. If subsidies to basic needs of people, without exception, abolished / waiver, then it is a betrayal of our country's goal of "promoting the general welfare."

All questions, whether people should be granted and rely on government subsidies?

This question, of course, people should not depend on government subsidies, but regardless of the ideals that "subsidy" from the government for any reason should not be written off / waiver, because as mentioned above is a consequence the state monopoly in the SDA.

Can you imagine if people had the right from the beginning of the independence of Indonesia to the authority or control over the management of natural resources since the days of the old order (Orla), the New Order period (New Order) to now, people had enough time to take advantage of the opportunity to develop natural resources in the business community and destiny did not collapse, as now, people suffering from absolute poverty tend to be poor.

Countries for other purposes listed in the opening 1945 of Aline IV is "the intellectual life of the nation" is a form of government responsibilities in the improvement of human resources (HR), so that people can improve their welfare, which in time will not necessarily depend on the contributions made by the government, even if the subsidy should still be given, but people certainly do not oppose the grant is set more demanding.

In the era of globalization, which emphasizes the life of a market economy in which growth is on the left and the economic welfare of the people completely free market mechanism, the situation is clearly the country / people of Indonesia were not willing to follow, because in addition to the SDA in Indonesia and was largely controlled by kavitalis (investors) and most of the industries that dominate the lives of people is controlled by foreigners, making it harder for the government to restore the position of current direction, as defined in Article 33, paragraph (2) which states that "the industries is important for control of the country and the welfare of the majority state-controlled ".

And for the scholarship program for the basic needs of the population, including fuel supplied to the affected people are always, as government revenues, in addition to relying on market economics associated with the types of taxes and taxes imposed directly by the people and companies also benefit from the life, whose number can not be said to be more important because the state sector are few, and is due to the large companies in Indonesia are in their mostly owned by foreign companies or foreign investors.

In conclusion, the subsidy will always be disturbed people and government policies that are always trying to reduce and eliminate subsidies clearly contrary to the purposes of the State mentioned in paragraph IV of the Constitution of 1945.
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Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Medical and dental malpractice

Speaking of "malpractice" is not just for people working in the health sector, including a doctor, but can also alleges negligence on the professionalism, that is, if they were journalists, lawyers, engineers and other groups. Understanding these errors come from people who work as health professionals, including doctors. Moderate limitations of embezzlement in the general feeling among health care workers are health care workers through a person of their professional responsibility to patients and carried out outside the profession in general stardard (SOP), leading to disability and death. However, the criteria or standard measures of the effect of an appeal that is believed especially for health professionals (doctors) do not explicitly formulated in the law, including Article 53, paragraph (2) of the Act No. 23 of 1992 , stated that professional standards are "guidelines to be used as a guide for making a good confession," As regards the scope of the quality of our profession, the legal adoption of a health expert, Professor Van der My Mr.WB, who said a health professional must meet three (3) general measures, namely: 1. 2 The Authority. average capacity, and 3. The total accuracy here means a number of health care workers must have legal authority to do the job (entitlement to rights), a license for doctors and other health professionals, a legal entity and a license to other providers such as hospitals or clinics. Health professionals have come up with an average capacity based on the experience of working in an environment to support their work, and medical personnel should have an accuracy of precision work of all sizes. But how difficult the development of a scale (measurement scale) of the health human resource professional standards, the law people who work in the health sector requires needed. to meet the professional standards and to respect patients' rights (see Article 53, paragraph 2 of Law No 23 of 1992 on health) and everyone is entitled to compensation of errors. or negligence of health professionals (Vide: Article 55, paragraph 1 of Law No 23 of 1992) ..

And health care workers who make mistakes or negligence in the exercise of their profession may be subject to disciplinary action determined by the Disciplinary Board of Health (Blank: Article 54, paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law No. 23 year 1992 on the health of Jo .. PP No. 32 of 1996 on health) .. Disciplinary committee of the health of workers (MDTK) eligible and who is authorized to investigate and determine the presence or absence of mistake or negligence in the implementation of the standards of the profession conducted by the health of the name of the patient. (See Article 5 of Presidential Decree 56 of 1995 MDTK RI). Criminal penalties, fines and administrative enforcement of Law No 29 of 2004 on the other the practice of medicine.

In short, a social worker is a doctor, nurse, pharmacy, dietary staff, and staff not only be charged and prosecuted for negligence, but medical personnel could also be prosecuted on the basis of the violation of patient rights in the presence of a therapeutic contract between healthcare patients: 1. The right to information about the disease, 2. The right to consent to an unconscious patient infotmed, 3. The right to be kept secret about the disease 4. The right to good ikhtikad physicians, and 5. The correct appropriate medical care, as well as possible. Patients' rights are the key here is the right to obtain relevant information from patients who normally contains about diagnosis, therapy with the possibility of an alternative therapy, the way doctors and experience in risk the possibility of pain or other feeling due to medical, therapeutic and prognostic. Health workers can be prosecuted under Article 1365 of the Civil Code of Jo. Article 55 of Law No. 23 of 1992 and may be sentenced under Article 359, 360 and 361 of the Penal Code, Article 80, 81, 82 of Law No. 23 of 1992 and Act No. 29 of 2004 on the practice of medicine. In addition to the rights of patients, we also need to note here what about the rights of health personnel especially doctors. With regard to the rights of doctors can be stated as follows: The right to work according to the rules of the medical profession, the law has refused to medical procedures that are not being responsible in a professional, the right to refuse to perform it is not good according to his conscience, the right to change the relationship with the patient who is considering working with patients to end is more, the right to privacy of a doctor, the right ikhtikat two patients in respect of the contract, the right to compensation, the right to defend the right to select patients, but this right is not absolute in nature.

So here, we can conclude that neglect is closely related to the violation of the medical profession, the medical act of infringement, and violations are prosecuted, prosecuted criminal and administrative sanctions will have a number of practices revocation of the permit.
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